© Santosh Subramanian – Some rights reserved - Under Creative Commons

Friday, October 02, 2009

Taking a Break!

I am increasingly finding it difficult to maintain 3 different blogs (1 official blog - on the office intranet & 2 other on blogspot). A time has come where I need to take a break and relax while paying full attention to the most important thing in life - Family.

I would not be posting anything on this blog for alteast until the end of 2010. I hope I would be able to comeback recharged - with increased rigor by then. I would still be posting on grinbear with my photographic experiments - but with a reduced frequency.

I wanted to take this time to extend my thanks to everyone who took time out to read and sometimes even post their comments and opinions against some of my ruminations & rantings.

See you all in 2011.


Bijoy said...

Dear Blogger,

We are a group of students from cochin who are currently building a web portal on kerala. in which we wish to include a kerala blog roll with links to blogs maintained by malayali's or blogs on kerala.

you could find our site here: http://enchantingkerala.org

the site is currently being constructed and will be finished by 1st of Oct 2009.

we wish to include your blog located here


we'll also have a feed fetcher which updates the recently updated blogs from among the listed blogs thus generating traffic to your recently posted entries.

If you are interested in listing your site in our blog roll; kindly include a link to our site in your blog in the prescribed format and send us a reply to enchantingkerala.org@gmail.com and we'll add your blog immediately. Ypu can add to our blog if you have more blog pls sent us the link of other blog we will add here

pls use the following format to link to us


Write Back To me Over here bijoy20313@gmail.com

hoping to hear from you soon.

warm regards

Biby Cletus

Seema Menon said...

Come back refreshed! In the meanwhile, take care..

Sini said...

see ya..